Terry Wilfong

T. G. Wilfong


  • Email: twilfong@umich.edu
  • Phone: 734.936.2593
  • Office: 4016 Thayer Academic Building, 202 South Thayer St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
  • Ph.D. 1994, University of Chicago
  • CV

Research Interests


  • Gender and sexuality
  • Sound
  • Fire


  • Egypt

Research Projects

Research Description

T. G. Wilfong works on Kelsey Museum's collections from the University of Michigan's 1924-1935 excavations of the sites of Karanis, Soknopaiou Nesos and Terenouthis. These sites were chosen by the original excavators to illustrate and understand daily life in Egypt in the Greek and Roman periods (c. 332 BCE - 641 CE), and continue to provide much information about the lives of their inhabitants and the society in which they lived. Wilfong uses these collections to address wider areas of archaeological inquiry (e.g., gender, sound, childhood, fire) in the context of Kelsey Museum exhibitions. Wilfong has also carried out a wide range of research on other material in the Kelsey Museum's collections relating to ancient Egyptian religion and practices relating to death and burial, having recently published a book on the Kelsey's mummy case. Wilfong has supervised an ongoing series of contemporary art installations in the Kelsey in which artists have reacted to archaeological materials in the Kelsey collections.